Ministries of Calvary Baptist Church
Questions? Contact Pastor Brian Ross
CalvaryBaptistSturgis@outlook.com | Tel: 605-858-8625

Sunday Morning Worship
Each Sunday we meet at 10:00 am for a joyous time of singing , and studying God's Word to hear what message God has for us for the week.

Adult Bible Fellowship Groups
Adults meet together on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am and on Wednesday at 6:30 pm. Our time together is spent growing in God's Word and fellowship one with another.

Children's Bible Fellowship Group
Kids are important to us. Children of all ages meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am and on Wednesday at 6:30 pm. We learn from the Bible, do hands on activities, and get some play time or sports in.

Bible Counseling
We desire to help you realize God's perspective on issues that life brings you, and we stand by to help you walk through life's concerns. You don't have to walk alone. Contact us and we'll be glad to help.

HOPE Addiction Ministry
If you or someone you know wrestles with addictions of any type, please contact us for information on our HOPE Addiction Ministry

Rally Sunday
On the first Sunday of the Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally each August, our church has a special message and a special meal - all free!